Kubernetes Community Meeting Notes - 20160128

Kubernetes Community Meeting Notes - 20160128

January 28 - 1.2 release update, Deis demo, flaky test surge and SIGs

The Kubernetes contributing community meets once a week to discuss the project’s status via a videoconference. Here are the notes from the latest meeting.

Note taker: Erin Boyd * Discuss process around code freeze/code slush (TJ Goltermann) * Code wind down was happening during holiday (for 1.1) * Releasing ~ every 3 months * Build stability is still missing * Issue on Transparency (Bob Wise) * Email from Sarah for call to contribute (Monday, January 25) * Concern over publishing dates / understanding release schedule /etc… * Release targeted for early March * Where does one find information on the release schedule with the committed features? * For 1.2 - Send email / Slack to TJ * For 1.3 - Working on better process to communicate to the community * Twitter * Wiki * GitHub Milestones * How to better communicate issues discovered in the SIG * AI: People need to email the kubernetes-dev@ mailing list with summary of findings * AI: Each SIG needs a note taker * Release planning vs Release testing * Testing SIG lead Ike McCreery * Also part of the testing infrastructure team at Google * Community being able to integrate into the testing framework * Federated testing * Release Manager = David McMahon * Request to  introduce him to the community meeting * Demo: Jason Hansen Deis * Implemented simple REST API to interact with the platform * Deis managed application (deployed via) * Source -> image * Rolling upgrades -> Rollbacks * AI: Jason will provide the slides & notes * Slides: https://speakerdeck.com/slack/kubernetes-community-meeting-demo-january-28th-2016 * Alpha information: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/deis-users/Qhia4DD2pv4 * Adding an administrative component (dashboard) * Helm wraps kubectl * Testing * Called for community interaction * Need to understand friction points from community * Better documentation * Better communication on how things “should work” * Internally, Google is having daily calls to resolve test flakes * Started up SIG testing meetings (Tuesday at 10:30 am PT) * Everyone wants it, but no one want to pony up the time to make it happen * Google is dedicating headcount to it (3-4 people, possibly more) * https://groups.google.com/forum/?hl=en#!forum/kubernetes-sig-testing * Best practices for labeling * Are there tools built on top of these to leverage * AI: Generate artifact for labels and what they do (Create doc) * Help Wanted Label - good for new community members * Classify labels for team and area * User experience, test infrastructure, etc.. * SIG Config (not about deployment) * Any interest in ansible, etc.. type * SIG Scale meeting (Bob Wise & Tim StClair) * Tests related to performance SLA get relaxed in order to get the tests to pass * exposed process issues * AI: outline of a proposal for a notice policy if things are being changed that are critical to the system (Bob Wise/Samsung) * Create a Best Practices of set of constants into well documented place

To get involved in the Kubernetes community consider joining our Slack channel, taking a look at the Kubernetes project on GitHub, or join the Kubernetes-dev Google group. If you’re really excited, you can do all of the above and join us for the next community conversation — February 4th, 2016. Please add yourself or a topic you want to know about to the agenda and get a calendar invitation by joining this group.

The full recording is available on YouTube in the growing archive of Kubernetes Community Meetings.