Glosario de términos
Este glosario tiene la intención de ser una lista completa y estandarizada de la terminología de Kubernetes. Incluye términos técnicos que son específicos de k8s, así como términos más generales que proporcionan un contexto.
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Una pareja clave-valor utilizada para añadir metadatos a los objetos.
[+]La información adicional proporcionada por las anotaciones puede ser grande o pequeña, estructurada como JSON o texto plano, y además permite caracteres que no están soportados por las LabelsMetadatos en forma de clave-valor que permite añadir a los objetos atributos que sean relevantes para los usuarios para identificarlos. . Esta información puede ser útil para librerías o clientes que puedan necesitar información adicional.
API Group
A set of related paths in Kubernetes API.
[+]You can enable or disable each API group by changing the configuration of your API server. You can also disable or enable paths to specific resources. API group makes it easier to extend the Kubernetes API. The API group is specified in a REST path and in the
field of a serialized object.- Read API Group for more information.
API serverAlso known as:kube-apiserver
The API server is a component of the Kubernetes control planeThe container orchestration layer that exposes the API and interfaces to define, deploy, and manage the lifecycle of containers. that exposes the Kubernetes API. The API server is the front end for the Kubernetes control plane.
[+]The main implementation of a Kubernetes API server is kube-apiserver. kube-apiserver is designed to scale horizontally—that is, it scales by deploying more instances. You can run several instances of kube-apiserver and balance traffic between those instances.
ApplicationsEs la capa donde se ejecutan varias aplicaciones en contenedores. [+]
Es la capa donde se ejecutan varias aplicaciones en contenedores.
cgroup (control group)
A group of Linux processes with optional resource isolation, accounting and limits.
[+]cgroup is a Linux kernel feature that limits, accounts for, and isolates the resource usage (CPU, memory, disk I/O, network) for a collection of processes.
Un conjunto de máquinas, llamadas nodos, que ejecutan aplicaciones en contenedores administradas por Kubernetes.
[+]Un clúster tiene varios nodos de trabajo y como mínimo un nodo maestro.
Container Environment Variables
Container environment variables are name=value pairs that provide useful information into containers running in a podThe smallest and simplest Kubernetes object. A Pod represents a set of running containers on your cluster.
[+]Container environment variables provide information that is required by the running containerized applications along with information about important resources to the containersA lightweight and portable executable image that contains software and all of its dependencies. . For example, file system details, information about the container itself, and other cluster resources such as service endpoints.
Container Runtime
El Container Runtime es el software responsable de ejecutar contenedores.
[+]Kubernetes soporta varios Container Runtimes: Docker, containerd, cri-o, rktlet y cualquier implementación de Kubernetes CRI (Container Runtime Interface).
Una imagen ligera y portátil que contiene un software y todas sus dependencias.
[+]Los contenedores desacoplan la aplicaciones de la infraestructura subyacente del servidor donde se ejecutan para facilitar el despliegue en diferentes proveedores de nube o entornos de SO, y para un escalado más eficiente.
Control PlaneThe container orchestration layer that exposes the API and interfaces to define, deploy, and manage the lifecycle of containers. [+]
The container orchestration layer that exposes the API and interfaces to define, deploy, and manage the lifecycle of containers.
In Kubernetes, controllers are control loops that watch the state of your clusterA set of worker machines, called nodes, that run containerized applications. Every cluster has at least one worker node. , then make or request changes where needed. Each controller tries to move the current cluster state closer to the desired state.
[+]Controllers watch the shared state of your cluster through the apiserverControl plane component that serves the Kubernetes API. (part of the Control PlaneThe container orchestration layer that exposes the API and interfaces to define, deploy, and manage the lifecycle of containers. ).
Some controllers also run inside the control plane, providing control loops that are core to Kubernetes’ operations. For example: the deployment controller, the daemonset controller, the namespace controller, and the persistent volume controller (and others) all run within the kube-controller-managerControl Plane component that runs controller processes. .
Custom code that defines a resource to add to your Kubernetes API server without building a complete custom server.
[+]Custom Resource Definitions let you extend the Kubernetes API for your environment if the publicly supported API resources can’t meet your needs.
Ensures a copy of a PodThe smallest and simplest Kubernetes object. A Pod represents a set of running containers on your cluster. is running across a set of nodes in a clusterA set of worker machines, called nodes, that run containerized applications. Every cluster has at least one worker node. .
[+]Used to deploy system daemons such as log collectors and monitoring agents that typically must run on every NodeA node is a worker machine in Kubernetes. .
Data PlaneThe layer that provides capacity such as CPU, memory, network, and storage so that the containers can run and connect to a network. [+]
The layer that provides capacity such as CPU, memory, network, and storage so that the containers can run and connect to a network.
Un objeto API que gestiona una aplicación replicada.
[+]Cada réplica se representa por un PodEl objeto más pequeño y simple de Kubernetes. Un Pod es la unidad mínima de computación en Kubernetes y representa uno o más contenedores ejecutándose en el clúster. , y los Pods se distribuyen a lo largo de los nodos del clúster.
Device Plugin
Device plugins run on worker NodesA node is a worker machine in Kubernetes. and provide Pods The smallest and simplest Kubernetes object. A Pod represents a set of running containers on your cluster. with access to resources, such as local hardware, that require vendor-specific initialization or setup steps.
[+]Device plugins advertise resources to the kubeletAn agent that runs on each node in the cluster. It makes sure that containers are running in a pod. , so that workload Pods can access hardware features that relate to the Node where that Pod is running. You can deploy a device plugin as a DaemonSetEnsures a copy of a Pod is running across a set of nodes in a cluster. , or install the device plugin software directly on each target Node.
See Device Plugins for more information.
Disruptions are events that lead to one or more PodsThe smallest and simplest Kubernetes object. A Pod represents a set of running containers on your cluster. going out of service. A disruption has consequences for workload resources, such as DeploymentAn API object that manages a replicated application. , that rely on the affected Pods.
[+]If you, as cluster operator, destroy a Pod that belongs to an application, Kubernetes terms that a voluntary disruption. If a Pod goes offline because of a Node failure, or an outage affecting a wider failure zone, Kubernetes terms that an involuntary disruption.
See Disruptions for more information.
Docker (especialmente, Docker Engine) es una tecnología de software que proporciona virtualización a nivel de sistema operativo, también conocida como contenedoresUna imagen ligera y portátil que contiene un software y todas sus dependencias. .
[+]Docker utiliza características de aislamiento del Kernel de Linux como cgroups y namespaces, además de sistemas de archivos con capacidad de unión como OverlayFS para permitir que contenedores independientes se ejecuten dentro de una misma instancia de Linux, evitando el coste de iniciar y mantener máquinas virtuales (VM).
Ephemeral Container
A ContainerA lightweight and portable executable image that contains software and all of its dependencies. type that you can temporarily run inside a PodThe smallest and simplest Kubernetes object. A Pod represents a set of running containers on your cluster. .
[+]If you want to investigate a Pod that’s running with problems, you can add an ephemeral container to that Pod and carry out diagnostics. Ephemeral containers have no resource or scheduling guarantees, and you should not use them to run any part of the workload itself.
Extensions are software components that extend and deeply integrate with Kubernetes to support new types of hardware.
[+]Most cluster administrators will use a hosted or distribution instance of Kubernetes. As a result, most Kubernetes users will need to install extensions and fewer will need to author new ones.
Instantánea de un contenedor que contiene un conjunto de librerías necesarias para ejecutar la aplicación.
[+]Mecanismo para empaquetar software que permite almacenarlo en un registro de contenedores, descargarlo al entorno local y ejecutarlo como una aplicación. Los metadatos se incluyen en la imagen y proporcionan información diversa como el ejecutable por defecto o quién la ha construido.
Init Container
One or more initialization containersA lightweight and portable executable image that contains software and all of its dependencies. that must run to completion before any app containers run.
[+]Initialization (init) containers are like regular app containers, with one difference: init containers must run to completion before any app containers can start. Init containers run in series: each init container must run to completion before the next init container begins.
Una tarea finita o por lotes que se ejecuta hasta su finalización.
[+]Crea uno o más objetos PodEl objeto más pequeño y simple de Kubernetes. Un Pod es la unidad mínima de computación en Kubernetes y representa uno o más contenedores ejecutándose en el clúster. y se asegura que un número específico de los mismos finalicen con éxito. A medida que los Pods terminan, el objeto Job registra las ejecuciones completadas correctamente.
Control Plane component that runs controllerA control loop that watches the shared state of the cluster through the apiserver and makes changes attempting to move the current state towards the desired state. processes.
[+]Logically, each controllerA control loop that watches the shared state of the cluster through the apiserver and makes changes attempting to move the current state towards the desired state. is a separate process, but to reduce complexity, they are all compiled into a single binary and run in a single process.
kube-proxy es un componente de red que se ejecuta en cada uno de los nodos del clúster, implementando parte del concepto de Kubernetes ServiceUn Service, servicio en castellano, es el objeto de la API de Kubernetes que describe cómo se accede a las aplicaciones, tal como un conjunto de Pods, y que puede describir puertos y balanceadores de carga. .
[+]kube-proxy mantiene las reglas de red en los nodos, permitiendo la comunicación entre sus Pods desde las sesiones de red dentro o fuera del clúster.
kube-proxy usa la capa de filtrado de paquetes del sistema operativo si la hay y está disponible; de lo contrario, kube-proxy reenvía el tráfico por sí mismo.
Herramienta de línea de comandos para comunicarse con un servidor ejecutando la API de KubernetesThe application that serves Kubernetes functionality through a RESTful interface and stores the state of the cluster. .
[+]Puedes usar kubectl para crear, inspeccionar, actualizar y borrar objetos de Kubernetes.
Agente que se ejecuta en cada nodo de un clúster. Se asegura de que los contenedores estén corriendo en un pod.
[+]El agente kubelet toma un conjunto de especificaciones de PodEl objeto más pequeño y simple de Kubernetes. Un Pod es la unidad mínima de computación en Kubernetes y representa uno o más contenedores ejecutándose en el clúster. , llamados PodSpecs, que han sido creados por Kubernetes y garantiza que los contenedores descritos en ellos estén funcionando y en buen estado.
Kubernetes API
The application that serves Kubernetes functionality through a RESTful interface and stores the state of the cluster.
[+]Kubernetes resources and “records of intent” are all stored as API objects, and modified via RESTful calls to the API. The API allows configuration to be managed in a declarative way. Users can interact with the Kubernetes API directly, or via tools like
. The core Kubernetes API is flexible and can also be extended to support custom resources. -
Metadatos en forma de clave-valor que permite añadir a los objetos atributos que sean relevantes para los usuarios para identificarlos.
[+]Las etiquetas son pares clave-valor que se adhieren a los diferentes objetos, como los PodsEl objeto más pequeño y simple de Kubernetes. Un Pod es la unidad mínima de computación en Kubernetes y representa uno o más contenedores ejecutándose en el clúster. , y que se utilizan para identificar, organizar y seleccionar subconjuntos de objetos.
Provides constraints to limit resource consumption per ContainersA lightweight and portable executable image that contains software and all of its dependencies. or PodsThe smallest and simplest Kubernetes object. A Pod represents a set of running containers on your cluster. in a namespace.
[+]LimitRange limits the quantity of objects that can be created by type, as well as the amount of compute resources that may be requested/consumed by individual ContainersA lightweight and portable executable image that contains software and all of its dependencies. or PodsThe smallest and simplest Kubernetes object. A Pod represents a set of running containers on your cluster. in a namespace.
Logs are the list of events that are logged by clusterA set of worker machines, called nodes, that run containerized applications. Every cluster has at least one worker node. or application.
[+]Application and systems logs can help you understand what is happening inside your cluster. The logs are particularly useful for debugging problems and monitoring cluster activity.
Specification of a Kubernetes API object in JSON or YAML format.
[+]A manifest specifies the desired state of an object that Kubernetes will maintain when you apply the manifest. Each configuration file can contain multiple manifests.
Herramienta para ejecutar Kubernetes de forma local.
[+]Minikube ejecuta un clúster de un solo nodo en una máquina virtual (VM) en tu máquina local.
Mirror Pod
A podThe smallest and simplest Kubernetes object. A Pod represents a set of running containers on your cluster. object that a kubelet uses to represent a static podA pod managed directly by the kubelet daemon on a specific node.
[+]When the kubelet finds a static pod in its configuration, it automatically tries to create a Pod object on the Kubernetes API server for it. This means that the pod will be visible on the API server, but cannot be controlled from there.
(For example, removing a mirror pod will not stop the kubelet daemon from running it).
An abstraction used by Kubernetes to support multiple virtual clusters on the same physical clusterA set of worker machines, called nodes, that run containerized applications. Every cluster has at least one worker node. .
[+]Namespaces are used to organize objects in a cluster and provide a way to divide cluster resources. Names of resources need to be unique within a namespace, but not across namespaces.
Un Node, nodo en castellano, es una de las máquinas del clúster de Kubernetes.
[+]Una máquina del clúster puede ser tanto una máquina virtual como una máquina física, dependiendo del clúster. Tiene los servicios necesarios para ejecutar PodsEl objeto más pequeño y simple de Kubernetes. Un Pod es la unidad mínima de computación en Kubernetes y representa uno o más contenedores ejecutándose en el clúster. y es manejado por los componentes maestros. Los servicios de Kubernetes en un nodo incluyen la container runtime interfaceAn API for container runtimes to integrate with kubelet , kubelet y kube-proxykube-proxy es un componente de red que se ejecuta en cada nodo del clúster. .
Una cadena de caracteres proporcionada por el cliente que identifica un objeto en la URL de un recurso, como por ejemplo,
.Los nombres de los objetos son únicos para cada tipo de objeto. Sin embargo, si se elimina el objeto, se puede crear un nuevo objeto con el mismo nombre.
El objeto más pequeño y simple de Kubernetes. Un Pod es la unidad mínima de computación en Kubernetes y representa uno o más contenedoresUna imagen ligera y portátil que contiene un software y todas sus dependencias. ejecutándose en el clúster.
[+]Normalmente un Pod se configura para ejecutar un solo contenedor primario, pero también puede ejecutar contenedores adicionales para implementar diferentes patrones como sidecar o ambassador. Estos contenedores pueden ser parte de la aplicación o simplemente añadir funcionalidades adicionales como gestión de logs o actuar de proxy. Los Pods son comúnmente gestionados por un DeploymentUn objeto API que gestiona una aplicación replicada. .
Pod Lifecycle
The sequence of states through which a Pod passes during its lifetime.
[+]The Pod Lifecycle is defined by the states or phases of a Pod. There are five possible Pod phases: Pending, Running, Succeeded, Failed, and Unknown. A high-level description of the Pod state is summarized in the PodStatus
field. -
Pod Security Policy
Enables fine-grained authorization of PodThe smallest and simplest Kubernetes object. A Pod represents a set of running containers on your cluster. creation and updates.
[+]A cluster-level resource that controls security sensitive aspects of the Pod specification. The
objects define a set of conditions that a Pod must run with in order to be accepted into the system, as well as defaults for the related fields. Pod Security Policy control is implemented as an optional admission controller. -
QoS Class
QoS Class (Quality of Service Class) provides a way for Kubernetes to classify Pods within the cluster into several classes and make decisions about scheduling and eviction.
[+]QoS Class of a Pod is set at creation time based on its compute resources requests and limits settings. QoS classes are used to make decisions about Pods scheduling and eviction. Kubernetes can assign one of the following QoS classes to a Pod:
. -
RBAC (Role-Based Access Control)
Manages authorization decisions, allowing admins to dynamically configure access policies through the Kubernetes APIThe application that serves Kubernetes functionality through a RESTful interface and stores the state of the cluster. .
[+]RBAC utilizes roles, which contain permission rules, and role bindings, which grant the permissions defined in a role to a set of users.
El ReplicaSet es la nueva generación del ReplicationController.
[+]Un ReplicaSet, análogamente a un ReplicationControllerA (deprecated) API object that manages a replicated application. , garantiza que un número establecido de réplicas de un pod estén corriendo en un momento dado. El ReplicaSet tiene soporte para selectores del tipo set-based, lo que permite el filtrado de claves por grupos de valores como por ejemplo todos los pods cuya etiqueta
no seaproduction
. Por otro lado, el ReplicationController solo soporta selectores equality-based, es decir, que solo puedes filtrar por valores exactos como por ejemplo, los pods que tengan la etiquetatier
con valorfrontend
. -
Resource Quotas
Provides constraints that limit aggregate resource consumption per NamespaceAn abstraction used by Kubernetes to support multiple virtual clusters on the same physical cluster. .
[+]Limits the quantity of objects that can be created in a namespace by type, as well as the total amount of compute resources that may be consumed by resources in that project.
Permite a los usuarios filtrar recursos por Labels.
[+]Los Selectors se aplican al realizar consultas de listas de recursos para ser filtrados por LabelsMetadatos en forma de clave-valor que permite añadir a los objetos atributos que sean relevantes para los usuarios para identificarlos. .
Un Service, servicio en castellano, es el objeto de la API de Kubernetes que describe cómo se accede a las aplicaciones, tal como un conjunto de PodsEl objeto más pequeño y simple de Kubernetes. Un Pod es la unidad mínima de computación en Kubernetes y representa uno o más contenedores ejecutándose en el clúster. , y que puede describir puertos y balanceadores de carga.
[+]El punto de acceso puede ser interno o externo al cluster.
Service Account
Provides an identity for processes that run in a PodThe smallest and simplest Kubernetes object. A Pod represents a set of running containers on your cluster. .
[+]When processes inside Pods access the cluster, they are authenticated by the API server as a particular service account, for example,
. When you create a Pod, if you do not specify a service account, it is automatically assigned the default service account in the same NamespaceAn abstraction used by Kubernetes to support multiple virtual clusters on the same physical cluster. . -
shuffle sharding
A technique for assigning requests to queues that provides better isolation than hashing modulo the number of queues.
[+]We are often concerned with insulating different flows of requests from each other, so that a high-intensity flow does not crowd out low-intensity flows. A simple way to put requests into queues is to hash some characteristics of the request, modulo the number of queues, to get the index of the queue to use. The hash function uses as input characteristics of the request that align with flows. For example, in the Internet this is often the 5-tuple of source and destination address, protocol, and source and destination port.
That simple hash-based scheme has the property that any high-intensity flow will crowd out all the low-intensity flows that hash to the same queue. Providing good insulation for a large number of flows requires a large number of queues, which is problematic. Shuffle sharding is a more nimble technique that can do a better job of insulating the low-intensity flows from the high-intensity flows. The terminology of shuffle sharding uses the metaphor of dealing a hand from a deck of cards; each queue is a metaphorical card. The shuffle sharding technique starts with hashing the flow-identifying characteristics of the request, to produce a hash value with dozens or more of bits. Then the hash value is used as a source of entropy to shuffle the deck and deal a hand of cards (queues). All the dealt queues are examined, and the request is put into one of the examined queues with the shortest length. With a modest hand size, it does not cost much to examine all the dealt cards and a given low-intensity flow has a good chance to dodge the effects of a given high-intensity flow. With a large hand size it is expensive to examine the dealt queues and more difficult for the low-intensity flows to dodge the collective effects of a set of high-intensity flows. Thus, the hand size should be chosen judiciously.
Gestiona el despliegue y escalado de un conjunto de PodsEl objeto más pequeño y simple de Kubernetes. Un Pod es la unidad mínima de computación en Kubernetes y representa uno o más contenedores ejecutándose en el clúster. , y garantiza el orden y unicidad de dichos Pods.
[+]Al igual que un DeploymentUn objeto API que gestiona una aplicación replicada. , un StatefulSet gestiona Pods que se basan en una especificación idéntica de contenedor. A diferencia de un Deployment, un StatefulSet mantiene una identidad asociada a sus Pods. Estos pods se crean a partir de la misma especificación, pero no pueden intercambiarse; cada uno tiene su propio identificador persistente que mantiene a lo largo de cualquier re-programación.
Un StatefulSet opera bajo el mismo patrón que cualquier otro controlador. Se define el estado deseado en un objeto StatefulSet, y el controlador del StatefulSet efectúa las actualizaciones que sean necesarias para alcanzarlo a partir del estado actual.
Static Pod
A podThe smallest and simplest Kubernetes object. A Pod represents a set of running containers on your cluster. managed directly by the kubelet daemon on a specific node,
[+]without the API server observing it.
A core object consisting of three required properties: key, value, and effect. Taints prevent the scheduling of PodsThe smallest and simplest Kubernetes object. A Pod represents a set of running containers on your cluster. on nodesA node is a worker machine in Kubernetes. or node groups.
[+]Taints and tolerationsA core object consisting of three required properties: key, value, and effect. Tolerations enable the scheduling of pods on nodes or node groups that have a matching taint. work together to ensure that pods are not scheduled onto inappropriate nodes. One or more taints are applied to a node. A node should only schedule a Pod with the matching tolerations for the configured taints.
A core object consisting of three required properties: key, value, and effect. Tolerations enable the scheduling of pods on nodes or node groups that have matching taintsA core object consisting of three required properties: key, value, and effect. Taints prevent the scheduling of pods on nodes or node groups. .
[+]Tolerations and taintsA core object consisting of three required properties: key, value, and effect. Taints prevent the scheduling of pods on nodes or node groups. work together to ensure that pods are not scheduled onto inappropriate nodes. One or more tolerations are applied to a podThe smallest and simplest Kubernetes object. A Pod represents a set of running containers on your cluster. . A toleration indicates that the podThe smallest and simplest Kubernetes object. A Pod represents a set of running containers on your cluster. is allowed (but not required) to be scheduled on nodes or node groups with matching taintsA core object consisting of three required properties: key, value, and effect. Taints prevent the scheduling of pods on nodes or node groups. .
Una cadena de caracteres generada por Kubernetes para identificar objetos de forma única.
[+]Cada objeto creado a lo largo de toda la vida de un clúster Kubernetes tiene un UID distinto. Está pensado para distinguir entre ocurrencias históricas de entidades similares.
Un directorio que contiene datos y que es accesible desde los contenedores corriendo en un podEl objeto más pequeño y simple de Kubernetes. Un Pod es la unidad mínima de computación en Kubernetes y representa uno o más contenedores ejecutándose en el clúster. .
[+]Un volumen de Kubernetes vive mientras exista el podEl objeto más pequeño y simple de Kubernetes. Un Pod es la unidad mínima de computación en Kubernetes y representa uno o más contenedores ejecutándose en el clúster. que lo contiene, no depende de la vida del contenedorUna imagen ligera y portátil que contiene un software y todas sus dependencias. por eso se conservan los datos entre los reinicios de los contenedoresUna imagen ligera y portátil que contiene un software y todas sus dependencias. .
A workload is an application running on Kubernetes.
[+]Various core objects that represent different types or parts of a workload include the DaemonSet, Deployment, Job, ReplicaSet, and StatefulSet objects.
For example, a workload that has a web server and a database might run the database in one StatefulSetManages the deployment and scaling of a set of Pods, and provides guarantees about the ordering and uniqueness of these Pods. and the web server in a DeploymentAn API object that manages a replicated application. .
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