Kubernetes Release: 0.15.0
Release 说明:
- 启用 1beta3 API 并将其设置为默认 API 版本 (#6098)
- 增加了多端口服务(#6182)
- 添加了一个控制器框架 (#5270, #5473)
- Kubelet 现在监听一个安全的 HTTPS 端口 (#6380)
- 使 kubectl 错误更加友好 (#6338)
- apiserver 现在支持客户端 cert 身份验证 (#6190)
- apiserver 现在限制了它处理的并发请求的数量 (#6207)
- 添加速度限制删除 pod (#6355)
- 将平衡资源分配算法作为优先级函数实现在调度程序包中 (#6150)
- 从主服务器启用日志收集功能 (#6396)
- 添加了一个 api 端口来从 Pod 中提取日志 (#6497)
- 为调度程序添加了延迟指标 (#6368)
- 为 REST 客户端添加了延迟指标 (#6409)
- etcd 现在在 master 上的一个 pod 中运行 (#6221)
- nginx 现在在 master上的容器中运行 (#6334)
- 开始为主组件构建 Docker 镜像 (#6326)
- 更新了 GCE 程序以使用 gcloud 0.9.54 (#6270)
- 更新了 AWS 程序来修复区域与区域语义 (#6011)
- 记录镜像 GC 失败时的事件 (#6091)
- 为 kubernetes 客户端添加 QPS 限制器 (#6203)
- 减少运行 make release 所需的时间 (#6196)
- 新卷的支持
- 更新到 heapster 版本到 v0.10.0 (#6331)
- 更新到 etcd 2.0.9 (#6544)
- 更新到 Kibana 到 v1.2 (#6426)
- 漏洞修复
要下载,请访问 https://github.com/GoogleCloudPlatform/kubernetes/releases/tag/v0.15.0
Welcome to the Kubernetes Blog!
Welcome to the new Kubernetes Blog. Follow this blog to learn about the Kubernetes Open Source project. We plan to post release notes, how-to articles, events, and maybe even some off topic fun here from time to time.
If you are using Kubernetes or contributing to the project and would like to do a guest post, please let me know.
To start things off, here’s a roundup of recent Kubernetes posts from other sites:
- Scaling MySQL in the cloud with Vitess and Kubernetes
- Container Clusters on VMs
- Everything you wanted to know about Kubernetes but were afraid to ask
- What makes a container cluster?
- Integrating OpenStack and Kubernetes with Murano
- An introduction to containers, Kubernetes, and the trajectory of modern cloud computing
- What is Kubernetes and how to use it?
- OpenShift V3, Docker and Kubernetes Strategy
- An Introduction to Kubernetes
Happy cloud computing!
- Kit Merker - Product Manager, Google Cloud Platform